Monday, April 29th, 2024 0:25 Z

Aerial Reconnaissance in the North Atlantic Basin

Atlantic recon in the last thirty minutes...

There has been no recent recon for
the products our site checks.

Live aircraft pages:

Satellite data does not currently automatically update in the Cesium display. You must refresh the page to update satellite imagery.

Our site runs on an older server and due to technical limitations can't directly connect using SSL to the National Hurricane Center's recon archive to download observations that our normal system misses. We download individual obs by checking product files on a NOAA FTP server. If obs are released more frequently than about every minute, which often happens when multiple planes from the same agency, in the same basin, are relaying obs, our site will miss some obs. To download these missed obs automatically, our site has a system that downloads all of the obs in the NHC's recon archive since the last time we checked for and downloaded data. We are currently downloading obs through HurricaneCity's recon system, which runs as a backup to ours. If their site has an issue, our site may not be able to download missed obs automatically from the NHC's recon archive.

HurricaneCity Logo
System Status: Updating every minute. (summary)

15 product files are currently monitored in this basin.

Last check for data: Monday, Apr. 29, 2024 0:24 Z

A check of the NHC's recon archive also occurs as needed.

Live Atlantic recon mapping...

Recon in the Atlantic Basin in Google Earth Google Earth
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Live Archive Miss a storm's recon? Easily catch up in our real time archive.
NOAA HRD: Blog | Data
With upcoming missions

NOAA Hurricane Hunters:

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Air Force Hurricane Hunters:

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NASA Field Research:

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National Hurricane Center:

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For a tutorial on how to use our recon system, click here. For additional information on reconnaissance, please visit our page about aircraft reconnaissance. For a version of our Google Earth recon product that does not automatically fly to the plane's current location and allows you to view multiple missions at once, click here.
To track NOAA & NASA aircraft you can also visit:
Aircraft Tracker from the NASA Airborne Science Program
Other Recon Sites Using Our System
Other Live Recon Sites